The Man with an Unlikely Job
Travelling to Work The man with an unlikely job sat at the back of the bus, watching the world rush past on the rain-speckled window.
Travelling to Work The man with an unlikely job sat at the back of the bus, watching the world rush past on the rain-speckled window.
Nostalgia Nostalgia filled Julia’s mind. She remembered how she would be too scared to go down to the bottom of the garden from her childhood.
Embarking on a journey of creativity and relaxation, I found myself embraced by the tranquil charm of Port Douglas. The serene coastal town provided the ideal backdrop; consequently, I could delve into editing my novelette, The Move. This captivating tale follows the whimsical escapades of a time-travelling cat, and due to the picturesque beauty of Port Douglas, I became wholly immersed in its world. Armed with a notebook and a cup of coffee, I was enabled to delve into the realms of fiction, infusing life into my characters and meticulously shaping their adventures.
Today that is what my focus is on dreams.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I used some of the subject matter from a couple of dreams for my novel “Two Crabs and A Stone.” One was where in my night time adventure, I entered this room which was from the past.
We moved to New Zealand, leaving our two cats behind and thought we would not get any more cats, but did.
A subscriber asked me to write about my cats, so today and next week’s blogs are all about the cats I have ever owned. “The
After chatting with a friend from my home town in the Uk last night, I realised how differently the Pandemic affects us here in Brisbane,
Just start writing and the ideas will come. If you don’t write you won’t get many ideas. It is like using a muscle continually. If you don’t use it you will lose it.
Simple tasks that will help improve your productivity The main reason I have not published my novels is due to procrastination – something that needs
There are many reasons why people are passionate to write a blog and I am sure these reasons are common for most of them.