I follow Hans Hoffman on YouTube. He has some intriguing beliefs: some of them I don’t quite get, maybe because my upbringing was different to his: but there are a couple of his views that I resonate with; time is speeding up, the sun and moon are getting brighter.
I will chat briefly about the sun and moon getting brighter first as I have less to say about the issue. He quotes Isaiah 30:26:
“The moon shall shine like the sun, and the sunlight will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven full days…”
I want to study the rest of the verse to study the context of how the sun and moon are getting brighter.
He shows in his videos how he thinks the sun and moon are getting brighter. What resonates with me is that I see the moon a lot more during the day when the sun is out. I never used to. Hans reckons this is because the moon is brighter and can now see it during the day. Also, he talks of the glare the moon has in the sky that it never used to have. I have noticed this too. I’m sure the moon used to be a darker shade of yellow. The other night, looking at the crescent moon, the glare was so powerful, I had to squint to see it. I never used to do that before.

Now I will chat about Hans’ time is getting faster belief. He shows in his videos arguments as to why he thinks the time is getting quicker and equates it to a verse in Matthew 24:22:
“If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened.”
It is another chapter of the bible I want to study in more detail to get the correct context.
Jesus says unless the days ‘are shortened,’ none of the elect would survive. I will post below one of his videos which encapsulates the ideas I want to discuss. Maybe you would gain more if you watched the video first.
First, he shows clips from filming taken in the early 20th century and explains why he thinks the people are moving so fast: ‘because time is speeding up.’
Second, he finds an old recipe of how long to boil an egg to be good enough to eat. A recipe book he found said to cook the egg for three and a half minutes. I remember boiling an egg for four minutes, and it being ready to eat. Nowadays, however, I need to cook an egg for 6 minutes before I can enjoy it. The other day I went out and brought the smallest eggs I could find. I boiled the water and dropped two eggs in. After four minutes, I pulled out the first egg, which was raw apart from a thin film of cooked egg around the shell. After five minutes, I took out the other egg and found it still uncooked in places, not nice enough to eat.
Third, in another of his videos, he is seen counting seconds as he learnt when he was younger. Like one second is one, one, thousand, two one thousand and so on. His video shows him counting like this as his clock ticks away, and when it reaches ten seconds, his clock reads something like 17 seconds.
I tried this myself with how I learnt to count a second, which goes like this: one and two, three and four etc. I counted a whole minute and got 1:20.30.
Lastly, he shows photos of people at certain ages from the past, and you can see how a 24-year-old, for example, looked then and how they look now or how a 46-year-old looked then.
Those are the four points that make me think the time is speeding up. It is just a brief look at the subject, but Hans explains discrepancies and more in other videos he has made on the subject. If you go into YouTube and search for his name, you should find his channel, then go onto his playlists; you will see 20 videos on time speeding up. There are other videos you should find on his channel on the sun and moon getting brighter.
The video I have today is from his website:
http://watching for fire (neocities.org)
You will probably have to wait a while for it to download before you can play it.