Today that is what my focus is on dreams.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I used some of the subject matter from a couple of dreams for my novel “Two Crabs and A Stone.” One was where in my night time adventure, I entered this room which was from the past. It had an old-fashioned television and old furniture. When you read the book, you will find that this room is part of my plot. The second dream was when I was walking down some stairs, and suddenly there was a flash of light coming from the television screen, and then I was turned invisible. I got to thinking about invisibility and thought it would help with the storyline in my book.
It is not only my dreams I like to think about but also other peoples. When he was young, my son had a couple of night-time adventures that would make an excellent subject in a children’s story. He dreamt about one of our cats in our church building. I mentioned my cat Dougal in a previous post: ‘All the Cats I’ve Ever Owned’. Dougal was standing in the pulpit preaching to the other cats in the congregation, saying. “We must keep the dogs out.” Surrounding the church in the dream were dogs trying desperately to enter the church. Another time he was asleep, he saw cats who were the pupils in his school disco dancing satnding on their hind legs.
Some dreams can be prophetic. There are dreams in the Bible that were prophetic including Joseph’s dream then Pharoah’s and later Nebuchadnezzar’s. Each of these dreams impacted people whether they were hearers or the actual dreamer themselves.
A few years ago, I went through a phase of remembering my dreams almost every night. I would have the notebook by my bed, and when I awoke, I would record them with a view of interpreting them. I found this an exciting experience as the symbols in dreams can have intriguing meanings. Usually, they are a play on your subconscious. For example, you may dream about a person called Able, and the dream could mean that you are wondering if you are ‘able to do something in your waking life. Or if you dream of someone called Charlie, maybe you feel you’ve made a fool of yourself, and you feel ‘a right, Charlie.’ I dreamt of a person whose sir name is Spark one night after I had a good idea. Garments or objects are fun to try and interpret. I dreamt of a person swirling their skirt around, and this dream spoke to me in that I needed to no longer ‘skirt around’ an issue. I dreamt about a detective when I had a problem to solve.
The week I started this blog, I dreamt I searched around a new neighbourhood, and I took that down to me starting the blog. It was a completely new area I had started to explore.
Going back to the idea’s dreams give you for your writing, I think some dreams have a story in their own right, so I thought I would finish this post with one of those dreams:
I was in the backroom of a house and chatting to this family. The room had a door going down to the basement, and a family stood outside this door. A young girl held hands with one of the people, and on the other side was a crocodile which was on a lead held by a man. I was concerned the crocodile would eat the young girl. Later in the dream, I’d gone away from this house, and I had now gone back. I entered the hallway to find the sun beaming brightly from the windows. I went into the dining room to find the family gone and was concerned that the crocodile had eaten the young girl. I went up the stairs in the hallway and looked in one of the bedrooms. A young woman was lying sick in bed, surrounded by a group of men.
The dream then changed to a later date and I was out visiting the poor and praying for them to get well.
Those were a few of my thoughts on dreams. It is such a vast subject, with so much more information. If you have had any interesting dreams or ideas about them, please write in the comments; it would be great to hear from you.