Time Travel – Fact or Fiction: Part 2

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I will continue to talk about The Mandela or Quantum Effect as discussed, the other day.

Firstly, just a reminder: what is The Mandela Effect?

It is the phenomenon where a group of people have experienced memories that have now changed. The first one being that Nelson Mandela died while in prison during the 1980’s but then he was alive again and died much later after becoming President of South Africa.

If you have not already done so, I suggest you read my previous post ‘Time Travel – Fiction or Fact.’

Today I want to include some photos as facts that there is something strange going on.

From the photo I just took from my laptop, it appears people are advertising ‘Interview with a Vampire’, yet the box the DVD the film is is in says: ‘Interview with the Vampire.’

There are other examples, like ’Sex in the City’ is now ‘Sex and the City’ on eBay.

What other explanations for this could there be?

It could be some kind of mass mind control phenomenon. During the 1960’s and 70’s there are accounts that many children were experimented on and mind control was a big part of this. The process was known as Satanic Ritual Abuse. Children underwent serious trauma that would split their personalities. The result was what used to be called a ‘Multiple Personality Disorder,’ but is now been relabelled a ‘Dissociative Personality Disorder.  There appears to be a link with their memories and what they were brainwashed to think.

I will go into this a bit more next time with an example. Until then, have you got any idea as to what is causing this ‘Mandela/Quantum Effect?’

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