Time writer pocket watch on a chain

All The Cats I Have Ever Owned: Part One

A subscriber asked me to write about my cats, so today and next week’s blogs are all about the cats I have ever owned. “The Move” (my novel) is a story about cats.  Some of the cats featured in it have my previous cat’s characters and traits. If you read this post and then my […]

Is Time Getting Faster? Are The Sun And Moon Getting Brighter?

I follow Hans Hoffman on YouTube. He has some intriguing beliefs: some of them I don’t quite get, maybe because my upbringing was different to his: but there are a couple of his views that I resonate with; time is speeding up, the sun and moon are getting brighter.

Tips for your Copyright and how to not steal another work

Lady at flipchart whiteboard showing data

What is a copyright, and how do you get one? Why is it essential to have Copyright? On the other hand, what happens if you use another person’s work for your work? Is that stealing? Could you get a hefty fine for it? Today I will discuss everything I have found out so far on the subject of the Copyright.

Five Great Time Travel Novels

Looking through the backface of tower clock

I get Freebooksie emails daily offering me free ebooks to read on kindle and have read a few good time travel novels. If I like a novel I have gone on to purchase the next in the series which sometimes is free and other times not free

What else does the 30-Day Blog Challenge Include

It is the last day of the 30-day blog challenge, and the final challenge was to write about the 30-day challenge. I have already mentioned the 30-day challenge in a previous post, so today I will concentrate on what information there is within the site. There are learning modules on the following subjects: The 30-day […]

How Grammarly Improved My Writing

screenshot of grammarly app on pc

If you look at my earlier blog posts and my recent ones, I wonder if you’ll see an improvement in my writing style. I hope so because I have started using Grammarly. What is Grammarly, some of you may be asking, but I suspect you already know? Grammarly is a grammar correction software which shows […]

How to get started on hosting a blog

Have you ever wondered how people start up their blogs? Where do they start? Well, I can say they these were my questions before I found the 30-day blog challenge advertised. A few years ago, I had some training from a good friend in Christchurch who taught computer skills for a college there. I gained […]

Brisbane and The Pandemic

After chatting with a friend from my home town in the Uk last night, I realised how differently the Pandemic affects us here in Brisbane, Australia. When I look at Facebook and hear of old colleagues dying from Covid or how stressed out nursing is in the UK, I have no idea how bad the […]

Time Travel – Fact or Fiction: Part Four

Today I am going to conclude this topic for a while. It is something I will get back to as there is alot to discover. Today I will be sharing my own personal Mandela Effects if you can call it that, as the Mandela effect is where a group of people have supposedly misremembered certain […]