How to get started on hosting a blog
Have you ever wondered how people start up their blogs? Where do they start? Well, I can say they these were my questions before I found the 30-day blog challenge advertised. A few years ago, I had some training from a good friend in Christchurch who taught computer skills for a college there. I gained […]
Brisbane and The Pandemic
After chatting with a friend from my home town in the Uk last night, I realised how differently the Pandemic affects us here in Brisbane, Australia. When I look at Facebook and hear of old colleagues dying from Covid or how stressed out nursing is in the UK, I have no idea how bad the […]
Time Travel – Fact or Fiction: Part Four
Today I am going to conclude this topic for a while. It is something I will get back to as there is alot to discover. Today I will be sharing my own personal Mandela Effects if you can call it that, as the Mandela effect is where a group of people have supposedly misremembered certain […]
How To Edit Your Novel
Time Travel – Fact or Fiction: Part Three
‘The Mandela or Quantum Effect’ describes a set of people who share the same memories that differ to from what is fact now. I’ve mentioned examples in the last two posts, and another one is different logos. The Volks Wagon image is a popular one. In the picture here, you see how it looks now […]
Time Travel – Fact or Fiction: Part 2
I will continue to talk about The Mandela or Quantum Effect as discussed, the other day. Firstly, just a reminder: what is The Mandela Effect? It is the phenomenon where a group of people have experienced memories that have now changed. The first one being that Nelson Mandela died while in prison during the 1980’s […]
Time Travel – Fact or Fiction?
“What if you found a portal to a parallel universe? What if you could slide into a thousand different worlds, where it is the same year and you are the same person, but everything is different. And what if you couldn’t find your way home?” Do any of you recognise where this quote is from? […]
How I managed to know what to write about

Just start writing and the ideas will come. If you don’t write you won’t get many ideas. It is like using a muscle continually. If you don’t use it you will lose it.
Do You Suffer From Procrastination?
Simple tasks that will help improve your productivity The main reason I have not published my novels is due to procrastination – something that needs to be resolved. I have been doing some free online courses, and reading books to enthuse me into action and the information I have aquired, has served to facilitate the following: […]
How to travel in time
My interest in time travel was first roused when as a child I would rush home from school on a Thursday afternoon so I could watch a television show about children crawling through a hole in the fence and arriving in a different time zone. I don’t remember much about the story or the name […]