How to get started on hosting a blog

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Have you ever wondered how people start up their blogs? Where do they start? Well, I can say they these were my questions before I found the 30-day blog challenge advertised.

A few years ago, I had some training from a good friend in Christchurch who taught computer skills for a college there. I gained a Computer Studies Certificate; however, I never used it and forgot most of its workings. One of the subjects she covered was creating your website and that I did; it was something to do with bananas I think – can’t remember.

The good news is that when I started this challenge, some of the information she gave me revived.  But I have to ask myself, what if I had not completed this course, would I have been able to start this blog? Possibly I could, but it would have been a lot more stressful.

If you have computer skills that include Microsoft publisher, then I am thinking, you could start a blog using the 30-day challenge reasonably quickly.

Today I am on day 24, of the challenge and the task given to me is to write something that would help some of my readers. If any of you readers want to start your blog but have no idea where to start, read on:

On 31st December 2020, I applied for the challenge and details were sent to set up my blog account. The instructions included an in-depth video guide which you could pause as you followed them. I had to pay a small fee to host my site for a year and another small fee for setting up an account that I would use to send emails to subscribers. The actual blog I get free for a month and after that if I wish to continue can do for another small fee.

Once I’d set up my blog, set up the email marketing and designed my blog, I encountered a problem.  I can’t remember what this problem was, but I wrote and requested for some help. A couple of days later, I was set up and could begin blogging.

At 3 pm each day I receive a challenge and a short video with a bit of information followed by written details helping us achieve that challenge for the day. There is a forum with others who have started their blogs, and we comment on each other’s posts and get good advice from the administrator. There are also various educational sections in the site to earn money with a blog that you can go through.

The information given, I have been rushing through, and intend to study it at a slower and more precise pace once the 30-day challenge finishes.  I recommend that if you are considering starting a blog and have no idea, this is an excellent place to start. If you have any questions, please ask me in the comment section.

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