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The Process on How I Became a Christian

When I was a teenager, I was searching for the meaning of life. I searched about becoming a Christian. I didn't know if I really believed, however.

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When I was a teenager, I was searching for the meaning of life. I searched about becoming a Christian. I didn’t know if I really believed, however. I went to Christian Union Assembly at school, which was run by other students. There were only five there, and it was really dull, so that was that.  I had a Bible at home and started reading it. I found that this too was boring. I studied religious education at school, and my mock O’ level score was an F. I totally did not understand anything about Christianity.

One day at school, I was sitting with my classmates, and they were talking about Christianity. I interrupted them by saying that you don’t have to go to church if you are a Christian. One of the girls replied 

” But if you’re Christian, you would want to go to church.”

The next thing I knew, she was following me around everywhere, saying Jesus is coming again. He’s coming to judge us as we are all sinners. But Jesus died and rose again for us, so if we believe in him and repent of our sins, we’ll go to heaven. 

She invited me to the Christian Union meeting they had on the Tuesday after school. Still, because I worked after school, I said I’m sorry, but I have to work and can’t attend that meeting. One day, I stayed behind at school to do some artwork with some friends. She saw me from the Christian Union meeting walk past the window on my way home.

You could come to the Christian Union Meeting

The next day she said if you can do artwork after school, you could come to the Christian Union Meeting. Consequently, I went to the next meeting, and they were discussing the next Christian Union Assembly. I got invited to that assembly and found it a lot more interesting than the previous year.  The last year there any five Christian Union Members, but now there were about twenty. This time, the meeting was fascinating. One person spoke, and another gave a testimony.  One person sang a song, ” Is it nothing to you all you who pass by, that God dear Son Jesus should suffer and die.” The words spoke to me, and a few people became Christians at the end of the service. I understand that there had been a lot of prayers before the service. Prayer is mighty and causes people to open their eyes to Jesus.

I did not give my life to Jesus yet

I did not give my life to Jesus yet. I went home and read the Bible for the next few days. The Bible says, ” Seek, and you will find, knock, and the door will be opened unto you.” So that’s what I did.

After reading the Bible, and praying to believe, one night, I felt nothing but the reassurance that God was real and that I was a Christian.

I told my best friend, who I learnt was also a new Christian. She became a Christian recently on the same night as her sister but in different places because her brother had been praying for them both. Now they were praying for me, so I started going to church with them.

When I finally took my O’Level s I got C grades for the O’levels I passed. Still, for Religious Education, I got a B.

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